Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Accessing a Configurable Service using Java

The configurable service is a readily available to keep data that an integration message flow may need at runtime.

1.Create a User Defined Configurable Service using the web console and populate it.

2. The UserDefined Configurable Cervice properties can only be accessed using a JavaCompute node.

Import* in your code.

BrokerProxy b = BrokerProxy.getLocalInstance(); 
ConfigurableService vendorUDCS = b.getConfigurableService("UserDefined", "MyConfigService"); 
String vendorMQDetails  = vendorUDCS.getProperties().getProperty("server");

This method below will return an instance of the BrokerProxy object for the integration node to which the message flow is deployed.
BrokerProxy b = BrokerProxy.getLocalInstance();

 To ensure that the BrokerProxy object has been populated with data from the broker
  before we access the configurable service, Add the following code:
while(!b.hasBeenPopulatedByBroker()) {

The statement below will return a User Defined Configurable service called 'MyConfigService' ConfigurableService vendorUDCS = b.getConfigurableService("UserDefined", "MyConfigService");

You maybe interested in this post: Accessing a User Defined Configurable Service in Java

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