Delete old trace logs
mqsichangetrace integration node -u -e integration server -r
e.g. mqsichangetrace IB10NODE -u -e default -r
User Trace
Start trace
mqsichangetrace integration node -u -e integration server -l debug –r
This will start user trace on an integration server.
e.g. mqsichangetrace IB10NODE -u -e default-l debug –r
mqsichangetrace integration node -u -e integration server -f message flow -l debug –r
This will start user trace on a message flow.
(remove –r when running for 1st time otherwise the command fails)
Retrieve the trace log for the specified component.
mqsireadlog integration node -u -e integration server -o C:\Temp\Trace.xml
e.g. mqsireadlog IB10NODE -u -e default-o C:\Temp\Trace.xml
Stop user trace
mqsichangetrace integration node -u -e integration server -l none mqsichangetrace
-u -e default-l none
mqsiformatlog -i inputfilename -o outputfilename
e.g mqsiformatlog -i C:\Temp\trace.xml -o C:\Temp\formattrace.log
The mqsiformatlog command interprets an input log file that has been created on any system in a platform-independent code page, utf-8. Use this command to produce formatted output from input log files transferred from other systems to the system on which you issue the command. If you use this facility, ensure that you use a file transfer program that does not convert the data (for example, by specifying a binary transfer option).
Start trace
mqsichangetrace integration node -t -e integration server -l debug -r -c 100000
Initiate process that cause the failure to occur.
Stop trace
mqsichangetrace integration node -t -e integration server -l none
Retrieve the trace log for the specified component
mqsireadlog integration node -t -e integration server -f -o C:\Temp\flowtrace.xml
Format the XML trace file
mqsiformatlog -i C:\Temp\flowtrace.xml -o C:\Temp\serviceflowtrace.txt
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