Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Create a REST API in IBM Integration Bus from scratch

File ->New ->REST API

Enter a name for the REST API. The name that you specify is used as the name of the project in the IBM Integration Toolkit.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Invoking an SAP ODATA GET Web Service from Postman

My example will be to Get a Business Partner using Postman.

The GET response payload default format is XML. To get the payload in JSON add query parameter format=json to the GET URL.

Set Basic Authorization (username and password) on the Authorization tab.

Add a X-CSRF-Token: Fetch key value to the header. The Fetch value allows the service to return the token.

After clicking on the Send button a response will be returned.

The payload is in JSON format.

The response contains an X-CSRF token that will be used in the POST request.

You may also be interested in this post: Create SAP Adapter In IBM Integration Bus