Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Create an SAP Adapter in WebSphere Integration Bus

Before you can develop message flows that use WebSphere SAP Adapter nodes, you must add prerequisite files to the runtime environment.

Ensure that you have the following files .

Save these files in a library e.g. C:/SAP_LIB

These files are available from the SAP Service Marketplace - . You must have an SAPNet account to be able to access this web site.

On IIB Command Console, set the location of the SAP prerequisite files using the following commands

mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c EISProviders -o SAP  -n jarsURL -v C:\SAP_LIB
mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE  -c EISProviders -o SAP  -n nativeLibs -v C:\SAP_LIB

To check that the values have been set correctly, run the following command:

mqsireportproperties  IB9NODE -c EISProviders -o SAP -r

You should get the following result.

ReportableEntityName=' '
SAP=' '

BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

Restart the broker for the changes to take effect.

To configure the SAP Adapter inside the Integration Toolkit, follow the following the steps.

1. File, New, Adapter Connection. Select the IBM WebSphere for SAP Software with transaction support. Click next.

2. On the next screen type the Connector project name. Click Next. 

3. Set the path to the jar and dll required by the adapter. Set the library file for the msvcr71.dll file to C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\IntegrationToolkit90\jdk\jre\bin\msvcr71.dll. Click Next. 

4. Select Outbound adapter style. The sytle is outbound because integration broker is sending a request to SAP.

5. Click Next. Configure the settings for the Discovery Agent.  Click Next. 

6. The Find and Discover Services dialog will appear. Select the correct RFC and add it onto the Objects to be imported. 

7. Select all the boxes for the Configuration Parameters for 'BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL' and click OK.

8. On the Find and Discover services screen that appears, click Next.

9. Click Next on the Configure Objects dialog.

10.  The Service Generation and Deployment Configuration dialog will appear. Enter the connection information.

Host name: <SAP host>
Client: <SAP system client> 
User name: <SAP user name>
Password: <SAP passowrd>

Click Next.

11. Publishing properties.

12. The adapter will be created in container specified in dialog above.


  1. It was good details description of configuring SAP adapters.

  2. can we pass attachment to SAP using outbound adapter
